You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action. - Anthony Robbins

Thursday, January 20

Hijab Evolution

Hijab has been a trend now especially among young women. Hijab refers to the head covering which worn by Muslim women.

Why do Muslim women have to cover their head?

Muslim women has to cover the head and the body because Allah want them to do so. Wearing hijab will show modesty in  Muslim women and they will also obey their religion. 

In Malaysia for example, the oldest trend of hijab and yet is still being worn wearing by most of hijab's user is tudung bawal.

the everlasting tudung bawal

Some women, especially teenagers consider tudung bawal as outdated. But there are some who still wear it because it looks simple and modest.

After tudung bawal, most teens have switched to  modern scarf. Scarves with different patterns and styles has attracted the attention of teenagers.

known as tudung sarung

Modern and stylish pashmina

long pashmina

To wear the hijab is an act of freedom. To choose to wear hijab is to defending human dignity, religion and race.

Post Script: Jugde me by what is in my head not what is on my head - unknown.

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